Challenge: Helsinki: How to generate pedestrian route information with participative data collection?

Riesa Consultative Oy – Crowdsourced accessibility survey for two districts in the City of Helsinki

The pilot project aims to collect accessibility information, specifically concerning voice-guided pedestrian crossings, the quality of pedestrian paths, and road crossings through crowdsourcing using a mobile game. The target audience for the project consists of individuals with visual or mobility impairments, a group that requires accessibility information for planning their movement in the urban environment.

For data collection, the Crowdsorsa mobile game is utilised, allowing participants to take photos and receive a small compensation for their contributions. The collected photos are analysed by Riesa Consultative Oy. Initially, the project will focus on 1–2 districts in Helsinki.

The company behind the project is Riesa Consultative Oy which has extensive expertise in accessibility within the built environment. Riesa has strong connections with various associations and organisations that support the implementation of the project.