Phase 5 Test
The test phase is similar to the prototype phase. In both phases, you focus on usability testing. In the prototype phase, you still do this with different parts of your solution in the form of a prototype. In the test phase, you put all these prototypes together. So you test the entire solution. This is a high-fidelity prototype. Again, this phase is iterative. You may very well find that something does not work or does not meet the needs of the target group. You then have to go through several phases again until you finally have the ideal solution and proven that everything works, a Proof Of Concept (POC).
In the test phase you can find several methods to create a high-fidelity prototype (in blue).
Co-creation methods to test
1. High fidelity prototypes
A high-fidelity prototype is used when a lot of feedback has already come back to the low-fidelity prototypes and the designs have been modified. It is a detailed and realistic representation of a design concept that is close to the final solution. These prototypes are usually created with advanced tools and technologies, such as 3D models, renderings, animations or interactive software.[1]