CommuniCity Info Event

The CommuniCity Info Event, held on October 4, 2023, from 14:30 to 16:00 CET, was a resounding success. 

The online event aimed to provide valuable insights by sharing a comprehensive overview of the ongoing Second Round of Open Calls, with a primary focus on guiding participants through the application process.

Throughout the session, attendees had the unique opportunity to actively engage with representatives from participating cities, who introduced their specific challenges and responded to inquiries, fostering a deeper understanding of the project.

Furthermore, the event showcased the project’s Technical Framework, a critical element supporting the development of innovative solutions within CommuniCity.

This informative gathering not only served as a platform to explore new opportunities and initiatives within CommuniCity but also offered significant support to those seeking to draw upon prior learnings when considering their participation in the current Call.

As the event drew to a close, participants had their questions addressed, ensuring that they left the session inspired and well-prepared to join the initiative.



What are MIMs?

As cities go through digital transformation there is a constant struggle for initiatives to offer successful innovative solutions to all. One of the main challenges to providing territorial cohesion is to unify the different sets of standards developed to address cities issues. The OASC and support the interoperability of data among cities as a tool to foment integrated solutions worldwide. In this context, the Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms – MIM comes up to help cities and communities in this journey. MIMs are the minimal sufficient capabilities need to achieve interoperability of data, systems and services between buyers, suppliers and regulators across governance levels around the world.

This approach has in mind to establish a set of mechanisms across several domains and geographic areas, without having to specify everything in detail, and without requiring complete implementations or eventual compliances with other stakeholders. As a result, a minimal common ground is the work reference, which leads to reduced risk, increased investments, and innovation, among other benefits. With the European Commission support and OASC coordination, some MIMs are already in widespread use, setting the technical foundation for urban data platforms as well as solutions to cities and communities while pushing the space for Local Digital Twins and the CitiVerse to flourish.

To learn more about MIMs’ potential in scaling digital solutions and the MIMs that have been formally adopted check the OASC website: MIMs – Open & Agile Smart Cities (

CommuniCity present at the Living-in.EU Open Supporters Meeting

The Living-in.EU Open Supporters Meeting held online on June 6th aimed to provide stakeholders with an understanding of the needs and requirements of signatories and how they can contribute to the development of the CitiVerse – a collaborative platform for a city-simulated metaverse.

The meeting shared ongoing calls, news, and the significance of the standardisation (especially for MIMs and the CitiVerse development path), through different approaches, including perspectives from companies and exploring the roadmap to achieving digital solutions able to tackle a growing range of interconnected challenges.

The fruitful event presented cases that are already unfolding the foundations of a CitiVerse based on the Living-in.EU movement, supporting simultaneously the economic and social benefits of digital transformation in cities.

Text: Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação
Image: Living-in.EU

CommuniCity at the OASC Annual Summit General Assembly (June 2023)

On June 14th the OASC Annual Summit & General Assembly 2023 counted on the presence of partners of the CommuniCity project.

Josephine Di Pino, Project Manager of CommuniCity; Margarida Campolargo, Community and Project Coordinator at OASC; and Kristina Khutsishvili, Researcher at the University of Amsterdam and CommuniCity Work Package Leader, presented the project at the event, which focused on engaging panel discussions and workshops about the Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms (MIMs).

The session in which the representatives were present covered a wide range of interconnected subjects, providing takeaways on the intersection of AI and public administration, Local Digital Twins (LDTs) integration and the establishment of governance guidelines, the need for standards and interoperability to facilitate data sharing, the value of cooperation and learning through experimentation, as well as the importance of embracing the diversity of cities and communities in digital transformation to promote inclusive solutions.

During the session, Kristina Khutsishvili (University of Amsterdam) pointed out that projects on digital solutions need to get bottom-up input, share best and worst practices, and focus on co-creation – such as the CommuniCity project.

Text: Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação
Images: OASC

CommuniCity Porto Training Workshop – June 2023

The CommuniCity Porto Training Workshop started on June 27th at the Porto Innovation Hub. The first meeting, an internal day for the partners, discussed the process and results of the First Open Call, followed by a workshop led by Forum Virium Helsinki about setting out Open Calls and pilots, and finishing the day with scheduling and information about the Second Round of Calls.

Filipe Araújo (Porto’s Vice Mayor) and Pedro Baganha (Porto’s Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning)

On June 28th, the meeting started the day with the presence of Porto’s Vice Mayor, Filipe Araújo and Porto’s Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, Pedro Baganha, reinforcing the importance of the project to the city and for the social and urban integration of Campanhã region. The meeting continued with the project coordinator, Josephine DiPino, introducing the project, its goals, and plans for the Second and Third Calls. Forum Virium Helsinki was next on the schedule, providing detailed information about the Second Round scheduling and the Agile Piloting Process designed to support the pilots.

CommuniCity Partners

To finish the morning of the second day, the cities of Helsinki, Amsterdam, and Porto shared the lessons learned from the First Round, and the co-creation practicalities applied, such as the planning of the training workshop with the host city, Porto. In the afternoon, the technical tools for the pilots were introduced, followed by the presentation of the challenges for the Second Round for the cities of Amsterdam, Helsinki, and Porto, and the status and challenges of the new cities joining the project in September.

Field Trip to Corujeira area of Porto

The third day of the Porto Training started with a fieldtrip to Campanhã neighborhood in Porto, where the pilots of the three rounds will take place, and to meet the eight public housing buildings in the Corujeira area. The partners met in the afternoon for a workshop with ENoLL about virtual learning labs and collaborated in an interactive co-creation activity with suggestions for the proposed structure of the labs based on future internal and external activities planned for the project and the Living Labs.

Thank you to all partners present in the beautiful city of Porto for the shared experiences and plans for the future of the project.

First Open Call Piloting Teams Announced

13 pilots running in three European cities to improve quality of life of marginalized communities

CommuniCity project has awarded the first 13 piloting teams. In total, 42 applications have been received for the first round of Open Calls. As a result of the evaluation phase, 13 pilots are being executed by the winning teams with the support of the CommuniCity partners and cities. Five pilots are running in Amsterdam, four in Helsinki, and four in Porto during the summer and autumn of 2023.

CommuniCity is a 3-year Support Coordination Action funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The project, through a calendar of three Open Calls, addresses the needs of European cities and communities and finds innovative, digitally inclusive, and sustainable AI and XR solutions. 

For the first CommuniCity Open Call round, 42 applications were received. All eligible applications were evaluated by expert jury members nominated by each piloting city: Amsterdam, Helsinki, and Porto. Each winning team was awarded a grant of 12.500 euros. In addition to this grant, other resources, such as in-kind contributions, can be allocated to the piloting teams.

13 pilots running in the three main pilot cities of  Helsinki, Amsterdam and Porto

During the first round of open calls, each of the partnering cities have identified city-specific challenges that the awarded teams are addressing with their technological solutions.

The City of Amsterdam awarded five applications. Pilots are run by Tolkie, WeSolve ApS, Garage2020, Switch AI, and XS2Content. They focus on the challenges of offering opportunities for youngsters with criminal records; enabling non-Dutch speakers to communicate in their own language in local authorities; accessibility of healthcare information through AI; and two “Wildcard” applications concentrated on empowering low-literate citizens with the help of AI and on piloting assistive robots for parents with disabilities.

Four pilots have been selected by the City of Helsinki. The solutions come from the companies CTRL Reality, Palko Interactive Oy, Aiedus, and Stereoscape Oy and are related to the challenges of improving disabled citizens skills; homecare clients’ safety; the integration of long-term unemployed citizens into working life and the encouragement of non-Finnish speakers into integrating society and services.

The City of Porto named four pilots as winners, three related to the challenge of decreasing the loneliness of the elderly and one to increase the autonomy of the senior population. From the winning teams of Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, WeSolve ApS, and Hoivita.  

Co-creating solutions for the cities and communities

The pilot stage of the first CommuniCity Open Call round will last until September 2023. During this period, teams will work in close collaboration with city officials and citizens in order to validate their solutions, using the co-creation principles that are the basis of the CommuniCity project.

On the CommuniCity website, you will find information about the technical framework, a set of assets such as specifications, software, approaches, etc. that teams can follow in order to support the design and development of innovative solutions. The first version of the framework will be publicly available in July.

The next round of the Open Call will be published on September 12, 2023. In this second round, more cities will join, presenting more challenges and leading to more pilots.

Please check further information about the winning teams at the Pilots section of the CommuniCity website, and follow up on all the piloting stage news on our social media channels:

Instagram @communi_city

Twitter @communi_city

LinkedIn CommuniCity

For further information, please contact:

City of Porto / Porto Digital
Adeeb Sidani
CommuniCity City Admin

City of Amsterdam
Neeltje Pavicic
CommuniCity City Admin

City of Helsinki / Forum Virium Helsinki
Silja Peltonen
CommuniCity City Admin

CommuniCity Project Coordinator
Josephine Di Pino

CommuniCity in the News – Amsterdam Challenges at ZuidOost TV

Last week, CommuniCity was featured at the local broadcaster from Amsterdam Southeast, ZuidOost Tv, showcasing two challenges from the First Round of the Open Calls.

Soraya Semmoh, from the City of Amsterdam, talks on the importance of challenges 3 and 4 for the Southeast community. To help young citizens with legal problems and to insert them into new work opportunities, and the wildcard opportunity to create a solution with a technical component.

The applications are now closed, and the results of the selected pilots will be revealed at the end of April 2023.

Watch now the interview and promo video about the Amsterdam challenges of the First Open Call:

CommuniCity First Round of Open Calls has started, granting up to 18 Technical Solutions for Cities and Communities in Europe

CommuniCity is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme. It will launch 100 tech pilots through a calendar of three Open Calls to address the needs of European cities and communities through co-creation and co-learning processes.

During the first round of Open Calls for CommuniCity project, launched on February 28th, citizens, universities, organisations, companies, associations, and tech providers are welcome to participate co-creating and proposing innovative, digitally inclusive, and sustainable solutions for social, technological, economical, and urban challenges to meet the needs of marginalised communities in the cities of Amsterdam, Helsinki, and Porto.

This first Open Call will award up to 18 pilot projects, and each pilot will be granted 12.500 Euros. In the first round, each city chose specific topics: Porto will focus on Elderly loneliness and Decreased autonomy of the elderly; Amsterdam will be looking for Solutions for non-Dutch speakers, Accessible healthcare information, Opportunities for young citizens with criminal records, and Community solutions; Helsinki aims to find Solutions for adults and young adults with disabilities, Elderly citizens and homecare, Digital skills for Immigrants, and Rehabilitative work activities.

A Matchmaking Platform is also available to help find partners for pilots. The Open Call proposal, submission, evaluation, selection, and approval procedure ensures a simple, transparent, and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process. The process is open to all legal entities that can guarantee performance and fulfil the criteria stated in the Open Call Guidelines.

The submission of proposals is open from February 28th to March 31st through the CommuniCity website. The awarded teams will be announced in May and the pilots will start thereafter. All pilots must be finalised by the end of September and a new calendar for the second round of Open Calls will be available.

All information about the First Open Call Round:

For more information contact:

Anne-Mari Sandell

CommuniCity Open Call Lead

Forum Virium Helsinki

CommuniCity at the Connected Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Conference 2023

Organized by Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC), the conference took place from 17 to 18th of January in Brussels, Belgium. The CSSCC Conference is a unique global opportunity for cities, regions, towns, as well as national and international policy makers and companies, to connect with the forefront of human-centered social development, shaped by real-time connected technologies, markets and policies in the 21st century.

The CommuniCity project was mentioned in three different panels and round tables of the event: “Digital transformation: what next?” “Living-in.EU– Involving 300 million citizens”, and “Measuring digital transformation in cities.”

CommuniCity Helsinki Workshop in November 2022

The Helsinki Workshop for #CommuniCity, organized by Forum Virium Helsinki and hosted by Demos Helsinki, was held between November 22 to 24, and it was an excellent opportunity for partners in the Cities clusters – Amsterdam, Helsinki, and Porto – to have productive discussions, share best practices for each city, and conduct presentations for CommuniCity’s pilots and Open Calls.

On the third day the partners from Porto Digital, Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC), Domus Social, and City of Amsterdam, visited the Helsinki Education Hub, an EdTech incubator for startups and testbed for educational solutions, where Ms. Anna Rantapero-Laine shared insights about the Education Hub and Helsinki EAC – Easy Access Co-Development -model. Next Ms. Marjo Kenttälä introduced Testbed Helsinki.

In the afternoon, the consortium participated in a field visit with Ms. Tuija Salovaara and Ms. Kaisa Schmidt-Thomé to the neighborhood of Malminkartano, a Living Lab area to learn more about the local social challenges.